The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho | Book Review

 hi, there welcome to my review of books. this is Inder sure and let me begin with an apology because this book review was a long deal but here I am finally getting on with this review now I was in a fix as to which book should I review and that's what I'm going to review today the book is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho as a reader.

I have a habit of doing some bit of a background study some bit of research before getting started with a book in this case more so because the alchemist was not something that I had picked up by myself but it was recommended to me by a friend at a time which I'd rather not think about a very rough phase in life but thanks to the alchemist yes it did help me a lot so yes when I studied about the alchemist before starting it I learned a lot of interesting things about it the author Paulo Coelho.

 he started writing the book in 1987 and he finished the book in just two weeks now seriously how often does that happen to us two writers two authors and a product that came out of two weeks but became a global sensation it went on to become the most translated book in the world it's about more than 60 languages that this book has been translated into getting on with the review now there are a lot of things that I can talk about this, in fact, I can keep talking and talking because like I said that the first time that I read it which was about maybe in 2004 or 2005.

 it was in such a phase of life that I trusted less that I believed in less yeah there are in life that makes you that that get so low that you do not know what to do with your own cells your life and that was a time that this book knocked upon my door and they said give me reasons to start believing and things again now as cliched or as lame as this might sound but some people who really love it as much as I do will probably understand what I'm talking getting on with the review the alchemist is about the journey of a boy named Santiago from Andalusia in Spain now Santiago keeps getting these recommend dreams that there is a treasure waiting for him somewhere and he's supposed to chase it he supposed to follow it.

now he's wondering what he should do because he's very happy he is very comfortable with his life but somewhere in his heart Santiago keeps feeling that he showed no matter what she is history as Santiago begins his journey he meets a lot of people on the way he travels through a lot of different regions and everything adds on to his experience enriching his life he meets a gypsy woman who tells him that in order to get his treasure he's supposed to go to the pyramids in Egypt and once he starts to travel on the way he meets the king of Salem he meets a lot of other people and everybody in some or the other way nudge him to follow his dream so that's as far as the story goes and believe me that's not all there's a lot more to it and the end is what makes it even more interesting for the lack of a good word.

 I'm not going to disclose it here but yeah once you read it you'll see how everything that happens to you every coincidence that you feel is lame is stupid it's meant to teach you something it's meant to take you somewhere and every all of those little things have been amplified here have been brought to the fore by the author to show you how every little thing that happens in life makes sense but he goes about the characters like I said Santiago you'll live his journey as you travel through the book its mere 160 pages but as you read through the story and while you reach the end you realize a lot of things have happened you don't feel it it's a matter of only hundred and sixty pages that you've traveled you know through his journey so so yes the characters make a lot of sense because in some of the other way like I said that they add to your experience right from the king of Salem to the gypsy woman to the Baker who he keeps meeting every now and then to the alchemist who he finally meets and also the love of his life so I think what I want to say is the characters are really well built some of them have not been given so much of prominence in the story because maybe they do not have that greater a part to play in so that was the second point the characters.

the third point that I really want to talk about is the language now for a book to be grand to be great to be successful and which plays a very big role now this book is written in such a simple lucid language that even if it has to be a kid from school who's feeding it or somebody who's in college somebody who's working or you're probably 60 years old is going to leave an impact with everybody not once you will feel that you're not following what the author is saying the dialect is so simple the choice of words is so beautiful the alchemist is a book that has got something in it for everybody no matter what age you are no matter what mood brings you to the book it's only hundred and sixty pages and honestly how could it harm you quickly three reasons why you should read.

 The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho let me summarize it for you the story is great second is the characters thirdly the language like I said is beautiful it's meant for anyone and everyone if you agree with me when you read this book or if you've read it before and you love the alchemist do let me know to share it in the comments below and I'll be more than happy to discuss it with you so yes that's about it I'll be back soon with another book review thank you very much once again and I'll see you again soon with another book review until then goodbye.

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